I dunno if Danielle realizes it, but she’s been present for a few pivotal moments in my life. She was sitting next to me when I met Matt, just a bunch of art school freshmen waiting for Quinn’s Drawing 102 class to start. Two years later we carpooled together to Mt. Hope on assignment from Paul, our Photography professor, where I had a moment of realization shooting some old blue doors that this was what I wanted to do with my life. She knows, maybe better than anyone I’ve ever photographed, where I started from. She was there. When she asked me to photograph her wedding, I couldn’t shake the feeling of things coming full circle.
It was an honor to be on the other end for a change; to be there to share and document one of the most pivotal days of her life.
I’ve known Danielle for eight years now, and if that’s not the most crazy realization as I sit and type this out, I dunno what is. She and Evan met after we graduated, and I had the pleasure of meeting him myself for the first time on their wedding day. They make the sweetest couple. The shots of Evan looking at Danielle after she reaches the altar say it all, really. Everyone at this wedding, family, friends, and guests included, were some of the sweetest and most genuine people I’ve ever worked with. Photographer hat aside; it makes me so happy to see my beautiful friend come from such a place of love. Everyone was just beaming for these two.
I wish you two incredible people the absolute best life has to offer, and more love than you know what to do with. Congrats. ♥