Samantha + Kyle at the Inn on the Lake | Syracuse and Rochester, NY Fine Art Wedding Photographer

Sam and Kyle never stopped smiling from the time I showed up to the moment I packed my gear and rolled out. I'm guessing it stayed that way long after I left, too. They radiate so much happiness in each others' presence, and it's clear looking at these pictures how effortless they are as a pair. Like, no stress. If they were stressed this day, I couldn't tell at all. It was just pure positivity and excitement all around.

Their beautiful, funny, down-to-earth circle of friends and family matched their enthusiasm every step of the way, and it was an honor to be even a small part of it. 

October is such a great time of year for a wedding, even with the gamble New York weather can bring. The light is amazing and romantic at JUST the right time without it getting to be too late, and we ran out before dinner to catch sunset over the water. It was seriously perfect. The sun sets so quickly here in the fall that you can watch it happen, and I'm so glad we didn't miss it. They may be some of my favorite low-light shots yet. Look how gorgeous this couple is!!! Come on. 

Samantha and Kyle, you are beautiful, amazing people, and I'm so happy for everything this new chapter of life is bringing you! I think I echo the sentiments of everyone who was there that day in saying you make getting married look easy. Much love to you both.